Monday, August 3, 2020

Happy Birthday to SSS Monday Challenge card with video tutorial
Hi everyone,

It's Monday and that means a new Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge! This week it's all about "Happy Birthday".

We can hardly believe that we are now celebrating the Monday Challenge’s 10th year! We wouldn’t be here without your support and we really appreciate that you have been joining in with the challenges over all these years! THANK YOU!

And as it’s the first Monday of the month we are showcasing a brand/company. This week we are all using some fabulous products from Stampers Anonymous. You don’t have to use them to join in with the challenge but if you have them we would love to see them used.

Can't believe the Monday challenge blog has been around for 10 years, what a milestone! I started using the whole Simon Says Stamp stamp set Birthday Balloons as a collage in the background. I used Simon Says Stamp Intense Black Ink for this along with the MISTI. After that I started playing with Distress Paints Weathered Wood, Broken China and Black Soot to apply color.


After the paint was dry I used the Digits stencil from Stampers Anonymous with Texture Paste. To bring the digits to the background, I used Infusions In The Navy, which worked like a charm. I gave the Paper Doll a Weathered Wood Embossing Glaze dress and stamped the balloon of the Birthday Balloons stamp set with Distress Ink Weathered Wood and Distress Oxide Broken China. On top of that I used Versa Mark Ink and applied Distress Embossing Glaze Broken China and Weathered Wood to create a 3D effect.




To join in all you need to do is make a project that fits this weeks challenge and you can be the winner of the $50 gift voucher that our amazing sponsor Simon Says Stamp offers. This prize will go to a random entry. So go over to the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge blog, let the DT members inspire you and join in the fun!
You have until Monday 8am Ohio time. 1pm UK time, 2 pm CET to join in.

Follow Simon Says Stamp on Instagram
If you use instagram add #sssmchallenge to your challenge entry uploads so we can see them on there too!

Thank you for stopping by! Love to see you next time!


1 comment:

  1. The expression on the lady's face combined with the balloon is such a fun and whimsical combo--I love it!
