Sunday, April 29, 2012


Hi everyone,

It's all been very busy the past few weeks, and today is the feast of my parents. I am a bit nervous. Especially if I didn't forgot something! LOL.

It's been a while since I've played with my Copic Markers. And the week I got super cute stamps from The Greeting Farm, so a great time play woth them again. I was a bit rusty in the beginning, but soon I got the hang of it back. Unfortunately I do not have exactly the right colors of the pattern paper. In real life the colors match a lot more than in the picture. Need to learn to Photoshop!

With this card, I participate with Simon Says Stamp and Show. The challenge is to use your favourite word. I chose the word "Enjoy". Because life is about enjoying every single moment.

The Copic markers I used:

  • Skin: E00, E11, E21, R20
  • Hair: E51, E53, E37, E57
  • Clothing: R32, R35, R37, G21, YG63, YG67

Thank you for stopping by! Love to see you next time!



  1. Hi Sannie,

    Cool card (I love the Greetings Farm images) and your colour scheme is a real 'WOW', I have a few of them) I hope that everything goes really well with the party xx

  2. Hi Sandra this is a lovely stamp with colourful backing papers. Great choice of word too as we should all enjoy life. Hope the surprise for your parents go well and you all have a fabulous time. Good luck in the challenge....Annie :)

  3. First I know everything was wonderful at your parents party and you had one grand time in London! You color beautifully, especially since you have not colored with Copics very much. A cute card with very pretty colors. I find that often my card's color in a picture on the computer does not hold true to form. We have photoshop and a good camera. I do everything but stand on my head to get the photo colors to turn out well. I think your colors look fine but most of the time our cards look so much better in real life! It is almost time for another tag!!

  4. Hey there Sandra, thank you for sharing your fabulously colored card with the DT from Simon Says Stamp and Show, absolutely fab Hugs Terry xxxx

  5. I love this it is sophisticated yet cute all at the same time, hard one to pull off, great job with the Copics. Hugs

  6. Sandra, she is so cute! Very pretty card and yes, we should all enjoy every moment we can! Don't you worry, because even if you forgot something, no one will notice or care! I just know you made this and event your parents and all will always treasure! Hugs!

  7. Hi Sandra, wow she is a gorgeous stamp - I love Greetings Farm, images, they are so cool - love how you coloured her and those fab papers - Hugs, Teresa xx

  8. WoW, you have mad coloring skillz, Sandra! Love this card ... and that really cute image!

  9. Greeting farm stempels zijn altijd zo ontzettend gaaf!!! Wat een leuke set is dit zeg!! Je kaart is prachtig, een hele mooie kleurencombi en ik vind dat papier van Teresa Collins ook zoooo mooi!!


  10. Oh Sannie, I just love this! You did a beautiful job, as always. I hope your parents' party was a huge success!! Big hugs, Maria
