Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Mother's day

Hi everyone,

Last sunday was the surprise party for my parents and it went better than expected. Everybody that was invited and RSVP'ed came. And they were all on time! The party was held in a venue near by my parents house so I could get them on foot. My parents were very curious what I'd planned for them, and when they arrived and saw almost the whole family of both sides, they were gobsmacked. I was so happy to see that! Everyone started to clap when they arrived and even started to sing. My father had tears in his eyes. Everybody had a good time. So happy that I did it, it was a very successful day!

Anyway, now back to business :). A Mother's day tag. My mom's bithday is always around Mother's day, and so we never celebrate Mother's Day and her birthday seperately. But this is a good time for making a Mother's Day tag. With this tag I participate with 3 challenges.

In the beginning the marbled backgrounds look horrible. At least mine do. And is very hard to see if it can become something beautiful. So I layer some more and work some more. Then I can see if it's good or not. And this one turned out quite nice. I water colored the butterfly with distress markers and a waterbrush. Love to water color with those. I know my mom will love it!

Thank you for stopping by! Love to see you next time!



  1. Hello Sandra
    Not only will your Mum love it, I think many people who view this Tag will acknowledge you have made a beautiful creation. You appear to have the marbling technique sorted,and you will be relieved to know that you are not alone in having a few difficulties acquiring a finish, that you are happy with. Your Bg is stunning, Green is always a friendly, and although known as a cool colour it does generate an underlying warm hue within this palette, your butterfly is gorgeous.
    Thank you so very much for joining us this week at Our Creative Corner, we are so pleased to see your work.

  2. WoW, your "Marbled Stain" background came out amazing, Sandra! LOVE the color palette ... and the stamps you used ... and your butterfly is just gorgeous!

  3. WOW!!! That's a tag darling!!! Your mother will be so proud! The colors are just gorgeous! Love your butterfly...so fragile yet so bold! Thank you tons for joining us at Our Creative Corner this week Sandra!!!

  4. First of all, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a kind comment! SEcondly, your tag is a real inspiration; you have added wonderful details to the marbled stains background, and it's beautiful!

  5. I have a question.....who makes the lampost stamp that you used? I don't see it among your supplies.

    1. I forgot to add that one, just added it. It's the decorative lamp from kaisercraft. Love that stamp!

    2. It's the last stamp listed, from Kaisercraft. We stock this stamp but I only just recognised it.

  6. Beautifully Sannie - I think this is one of the prettiest tags you have made. Good work!!!!

  7. Post Script -- I am so glad your party went so very well -- and I love the word gobsmacked!!

  8. This is a beautiful Tag, nice work you did with the marble effect.

  9. WOW wat een mooie tag weer!! Hier ben jij altijd zo goed in, hij is prachtig!!


  10. Beautiful Mothers Day tag. Love the colours and now I have seen the lamp stamp used I must get one.

  11. Ik heb ze niet allemaal, ik heb er 19. Ik heb ze nog niet zo vaak gebruikt, maar ik vind ze super voor watercoloring effecten. Of er mee te schrijven.

  12. A gorgeous tag, your marbling is amazing.
    Sue :)

  13. Hij is idd echt super gaaf!!!
    ik ga denk ik die eerste challlenge in de gaten houden, het boek heb ik dus wie weet of ik ook eens mee ga doen! krijg er wel de kriebels van als ik jouw tag zo zie!!

    Groetjes X

    1. Het is echt heel leuk om mee te doen met de Compendium of Curiosities 2 Challenge:). Je hebt het boek al dus waarom niet?

  14. Oh my, Sandra, this is absolutely gorgeous. You did a magnificent job on the marbled stains. I struggled with this technique, but looking at yours, now I understand that you need to work at it a bit at a time and add layers as you go. I did mine all at one time and it came out rather muddy looking. And I am now a convert to Mustard Seed and Crushed Olive after seeing what you did with it. I really love how you worked the colors. An absolutely stunning piece of work! Thanks so much for joining in the fun with us this week at Our Creative Corner!

  15. LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! I am totally jealous of your technique! This technique did not come easy to me. Your mom will love this! :)

  16. I am so happy that the party for your parents went well. I really love this tag, it looks like a park on a beautiful summers day! Your colours are just perfect, I love the lamp post and the butterfly too xx

  17. Sandra, this tag is magnificent! I think you're right-- the trick to marbled stains is to keep layering. You've created such a gorgeous background, and the stamps you used accent it perfectly, It's magical!

    Sounds like a truly lovely party for your parents! I'm sure your mom will adore this beautiful tag.

  18. Ooooh, Sandra, this is absolutely gorgeous! I know what you mean about the initial look with this technique but you took it straight to beautiful with what you've done here. Love the colors! And glad to hear the party was such a success.

  19. Hi Sandra this is a beautiful tag, your mother will treasure it. I have not tried the marbling technique but your tag has inspired me. I love the colours you have used and the stamps and cotton are lovely. Your butterfly is gorgeous........I so love butterflies. So glad you and your family had a fab party, it's so nice to get together. Happy crafting......Annie :)

  20. Hi, the way you use mediums is really awesome. I love colors :) greetings from poland :)

  21. Beautiful tag!

  22. Gorgeous colors….and uou got such a terrific marble on this tag.

  23. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!!

  24. Sandra, this is absolutely beautiful! Wow! That marbled background looks amazing...you can really tell that a lot of effort went in to creating this gorgeous tag. Thanks so much for joining us at Our Creative Corner! :)

  25. What a work of art! Great job, Sannie - I know your mom will love it!
