Wednesday, May 21, 2014

12 tags of 2014 - May

Hi everyone,

Tim has created for the 12 tags of 2014 - May yet again a stunning tag! And couldn't wait to sit down and make one like it too. I'm still so happy and honored that he has chosen my tag last month as one of the 12 winners. It was so funny because when I read it I was at work and I spontaneously jumped out of my chair and did a happy dance. You should have seen my colleagues' faces! The thought I went mad!
This tag was a bit of a challenge and I likethat! Luckily I managed to lay my hands on the great Shadowpresses! Don't you just love them? I think they are really cool, and they give a very nice effect.

It was fun to rummage through my stash of embellishments. I'm a bit of a hoarder and sometimes I have a hard time using some stuff. So this was a great exercise to let go.

Also came across one of my old favorite stamps. Had so much fun developing my stamp and cut method with that stamp. Stamping, scanning, tracing, create an outline, cutting and stamping. I came across a few of those blanc die cuts. Perfect for this tag.

Thank you for stopping by! Love to see you next time!


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Terry said...

Fabulous take on the May Tag. Love that vintage background and the thermostat is beyond cool! I have not seen those and how fun to use it! Love your tile work! Hugs!

Sunshine Girl said...

Its lovely

Sandy said...

Wonderful! I love all the do dads you have used!!!!!
sandy xx

Maria said...

Great tag, Sannie! I love the ShadowPress, too - makes me want to pick some up! Love all the elements of this tag. Hope all is going great with you!

Cis-sy said...

Hoi Sandra, Hij is weer prachtig!!!
Ik ben trouwens heel brutaal geweest en heb je genomineerd voor de Liebster Award! Ik vond dat je dat verdiend!
Op mijn blog heb ik een stukje geplaatste en ik mag jou nu nog 10 vragen stellen en dat doe ik graag hier ;)
Groetje Cis xoxo

1. Waarom scrap je / Why scrapbooking?
2. Wat zou je absoluut niet kunnen missen / What can't you live without?
3. Zomer of winter / Summer or winter?
4. Wat is je favoriete merk in scrapbookartikelen / What's your favourite brand in scrapbooking?
5. Wie is je favoriete persoon in de scrapbookwereld / Who is your favourite person in
6. Wat doe je graag in je vrije tijd behalve natuurlijk scrappen / What else do you do in your spare
7. Wat is je favoriete boek /What's your favourite book?
8. Omschrijf jezelf in drie woorden / Describe yourself in three words
9. Wat is je favoriete vakantieland / Where do you go on vacation?
10. Wat vind je ervan dat ik je blog heb genomineerd / How do you like me nominating your blog?

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

AWESOME take Sandra! I love the cool! Love the moments as well!