Monday, August 27, 2012

Sweet Summer Distress

Hi everyone,

Isn't summer the greatest season of the year? Hmm, well here in the Netherlands, the weather this summer hasn't been that good, but fortunately the past few weeks were super...  But with this weeks challenge for Simon Says Stamp and Show, we get to create summer with the Limited Edition Summer Distress Inks! Aren't the colors gorgeous?! My favorite of the 3 is the Picked Raspberry! I love that bright pink! If you don't have these Distress colors, don't worry, you can also use simular colors or even completely different colors. As long as it's inspired by the summer!

Although I really like these colors, I chose to tone them down a bit. They are very bright and I wanted to create a lovely soft summery day. I did this by using the Wrinkle Free Distress technique. In other words swiping the inkpad directly over your craft sheet and spraying it with some water.  Then I mixed the Picket Fence Stain through it with a brush and spread it out so that the ink is not one big pool, but a bit scattered. This I have done for each color, and quite near to each other so that the colors blend into each other nicely. Now it was time to go create the background, so I pressed a piece of Neenah Solar White cardstock into the ink. To prevent that it becames a muddy mess I heated it with the heat tool between each layer of ink. This I repeated several times until I was satisfied with the result.

The birdcage I painted with Snowcap Paint Dabber and to age it a bit I've used Espresso Paint Dabber. The ribbon is done with the same technique as the background, minus the Picket Fence Stain.

To join in all you need to do is make a project that fits this weeks challenge and you can be the winner of the $50 gift voucher that our amazing sponsor Simon Says Stamp offers. This prize will go to a random entry. So go over to the Stamp and Show Challenge blog, let the DT members inspire you and join in the fun!

Thank you for stopping by! Love to see you next time!


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Patricia said...

Wat een GAAF kaartje weer zeg Sandra, en ja die kleuren zijn echt zo mooi!!!
Groetjes Patricia

Annie said...

Hi Sandra loving the colours used in this stunning creation. I agree that these colours are strong and may require to be toned down depending on the look you are trying to create. Just returned from our Rhine cruise, sailing from Basel to Amsterdam. It was absolutely wonderful. The Rhine Gorge is stunning. Visited windmills in Holland , really amazing. Amsterdam is a fabulous city. Hugs Annie x

Candy C said...

Very pretty tag. Love the way you've toned down the colors to create such a lovely background. Tim's birdcage looks great as your focal point. <3 Candy

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Beautiful tag and lovely use of the Distress colours, love how you have toned them down a little. The cage and bird are gorgeous and I love your background. The ribbon works perfectly with the background and blends beautifully. Lovely project. Tracy x

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Love your little cage! The stitching really dresses this up! Fab colors too! Fun project!

Jenny Marples said...

Oh, this is so summery and lush! Wish we had the weather to match! Great idea for toning down the colours too. Hugs, Buttons x

Tracey said...

LOVE this beautiful tag Sandra!! SO many pretty details to adore! Thanks for the inspiration :)

Anna-Karin said...

Wonderful tag Sandra! Love the background, the dyed ribbon and that you filled the birdcage with flowers, letting the bird fly free.

Marjie Kemper said...

What a great idea to fill the cage with flowers! Love this tag, and the sweet summer colors.

Maura said...

Beautiful. I love how you dyed the ribbon. Thanks for all the inspiration over at SSS!

Crafty Lein* - enjoy creativity said...

Hey San, Hij is weer prachtig geworden. Ik vind het effect van de bloemen in het kooitje achter de vogel super leuk en de kleuren zijn inderdaad prachtig!!


Sandi said...

beautiful card, beautiful mix of colors, hugs

Sandy said...

These are such gorgeous colors and I do love all the doodads on the bottom. You know I am gonna have to steal some of your ideas don't you!!! But how could you ever get mad at a lady who is old enough to be your grandmother!!!!!!

Reflective Art Studio said...

Love those bright colors...

Anonymous said...

this is so beautiful!

email: said...

Gorgeous piece, Sannie! I really love how you colored the ribbon!

Simon Says Stamp!

Suzanne C said...

Very sweet! Love the bird on the cage and the charming distress ink background!

Terry said...

Hey San, wat een geweldige creatie heb je weer gemaakt, leuk hoor de bloempjes IN het kooitje hihih en de vogel ervoor, gaaf je kleurtjes hoor mies en ik vind hem weer helemaal geslaagd hoor Veel liefs Terry xxxx