Thursday, August 11, 2016

CC103 - day 5

Hi everyone,

It's day five of Creative Chemistry 103 and we were again treated to as much as 6 Techniques! Unfortunately I didn't realise that only Yupo was used as a substrate, so I got some ordered at a local craft store, so that's why I'm a bit late. After some experimenting it apparently it isn't official Yupo (it's sold in a package without a brand on it), the results aren't as they should be. With the effects I get looks like it's between Glossy and the Yupo which sells Ranger. So now I've ordered the Ranger one, hopefully it will work better ...

The first technique: Alcohol Ink Stamped on Yupo Resist Technique. I couldn't get it to work, the paper doesn't do what it's suposed to do following Tim's instructions. If you look carefully you'll see a light ghosting. I've tried it  wiht several different Archival Inks, Jet Black, Watering Can, but saw no difference ...

The second technique: Alcohol Ink Faded Layers on Yupo Technique. In the picture the right side looks better than in real life. In real life it looks more like the left side...


The third technique: Alcohol Ink Texture Resist on Yupo Technique. This technique didn't work either. I think the ink can soak in better than it should.

The fourth technique: Alcohol Ink Painting on Yupo Technique. That technique was fun to do and it finally worked as it should. I took Kristina's example.


The fifth technique: Alcohol Ink Liquid Landscapes on Yupo Technique. This technique was nice, but it doesn't dry in the more hard lines as I'd like, but perhaps that is more a matter of practice.


The sixth technique: Alcohol Ink Splattered Floral Technique. I unfortunately have no canned air, and had to use a straw. I tried to make a flower, but that was a disaster. Therefor I made a colorful abstract background. Love it! 

Thank you for stopping by! Love to see you next time!


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Jenny Marples said...

These do look beautiful but boy will you notice the difference with the Yupo! The resist techniques in particular work a treat. Great to see you enjoying playing xx

Sandy said...

Wonderful Sandra - these colors are really gorgeous!
sandy xx