Monday, November 25, 2013

25 tags of Holiday Countdown

Hi everyone,

It's time, for me the Christmas season has arrived too. Maybe a bit later then for you guys, but just in time for this week's Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Fellow DT member Ashli ​​challenges us to use holiday countdown as inspiration. What a wonderful idea. For example, by making an advent calendar or perhaps making a holiday countdown journal.

I made a tag countdown calendar. It's made from #8 Manila tags. The holder is made from foam board.

The backgrounds are done with the Gelli Plate. I'm really addicted to the Gelli Plate. It really creates such beautiful backgrounds. I keep it very simple by appling only one or two layers of single color paints. With these tags I only just one color of paint. I chose or a red background with Modern Red or black background color with Charcoal Black. I just love the sort of simplicity of it.

To join in all you need to do is make a project that fits this weeks challenge and you can be the winner of the $50 gift voucher that our amazing sponsor Simon Says Stamp offers. This prize will go to a random entry. So go over to the Stamp and Show Monday Challenge blog, let the DT members inspire you and join in the fun!

Thank you for stopping by! Love to see you next time!


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Patricia said...

Wat mooi zeg Sandra!!!
Gave uitwerking.
Gr Patricia

Jenny Marples said...

Superb Sandra! Love the fact that you've done this on a black base to really make the red and white pop. Jenny x

Candy C said...

Sandar...what a clever idea; to do a tag calendar! Your colors of your background are really bright and cheery. I love the bits of washi tape you've added to each one. So cute! And your snowflakes and numbers really compliment each calendar page perfectly. <3 Candy

Suzanne C said...

Fantastic backgrounds with the bright holiday colors. The black with white is a striking combination. Love the washi tape embellies! Beautiful tag countdown book.

Anonymous said...

very cool! Love that Bold red!!

Mona Pendleton said...

Fabulous project Sandra! Beautiful backgrounds! Love the burst of color with the striking contrast of black!

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Hi Sandra, fabulous idea a tag countdown calendar. I love the black combined with the red, very striking. Love the Washi tape too. Tracy x

Meihsia Liu said...

The backgrounds you created on these tags are fantastic! Sandra. I love the beautiful black and red color combo. <3

email: said...

Fab countdown tag idea, Sandra! I love the design!

Simon Says Stamp!

Michelle said...

Great project, Sandra! I love the foam board. That was a really clever idea. And it looks like you've really been enjoying the Gelli plate. You are really, really good at it!

Annie said...

Wonderful Calendar Sandra and the amazing colours/design are stunning. Superb

TFS and crafty hugs

Annie x

Andrea Ockey Parr said...

Wow! I love the bold colors you used on this project! It takes the traditional holiday theme to a whole new level! You are always daring and successful in whatever you attempt and I have so much admiration for the artist that you are!

laury55 said...

great project love it

Words and Pictures said...

This is fabulous - such glamorous, dramatic colours. I love the gilding on the black on the cover -wow!
Alison x

barbarayaya62 said...

FAntastic backgrounds! Red black and white is a very cool colors palette!! BArbarayaya

Maura said...

Tag calendar - awesome idea!

Nicole Wright Designs said...

Ohhhh I love the red and black! What a cute idea. I adore tags and you really made this one special. Thank you for popping into my blog and checking out my crafty goodies.

Anna-Karin said...

This is fantastic Sandra! Love the red and black colour combo and your gelli backgrounds are wonderful. Hugs!

Maria said...

This is gorgeous, Sannie! I love how you took the idea to a tag book. And the gelli background looks awesome!