Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy Birthday, Tim!

Hi everyone,

Tim Holtz birthday is only one week before mine and that has to be celebrated. I mean because it's his birthday and not necessarily that his birthday is one week before mine ... Anyways, with this card I'm joining  Grungy Monday and Simon Says Stamp and Show. Grungy Monday is all about Tim's birthday and the theme of Simon Says Stamp and Show is something old and something new. Something old gave me something to think about. Almost everything I have is new, but then I remembered that I have a really old dictionary. It was printed in 1956! I think that's the oldest thing I own. I got it from my mom. It was a little hurtful when I torn a page out of it, but it is for a very good cause! The page that I've torn out is about the Greek biblical names. And on this page is Timoteus, better known as Timothy!
For something new, I just recieved the trinket pins and the philosophy tags.
When I think of Tim, I think of grunge, vintage, disney, but especially to steampunk.

It is quite some work to keep up the thumbnails with each post. So I don't know for sure if I'll be continuing that in the future.

Heirloom Gold - Perfect Pearls Mist
Embellishment clock
Tissue tape - sketch book
Antique Linen - Distress ink
Black soot - Distress ink
Vintage Photo - Distress ink
Trinket Pins - Idea-ology
TH Stampset - Steampunk
Paint dabber - Espresso
Jump Rings - Idea-ology
On the edge - Steampunk
Philosophy Tags - Idea-ology
Papermania A4 Paper pack
Archival ink - Jet Black

Thanks so much for stopping by!

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Terry said...

What a fantastic birthday card, which Tim will so love! Brilliant how you highlighted his name! Love this and need to work on mine! Have a great day!

Patricia said...

WAUW hij is PRACHTIG Sandra!!!!
Ik denk dat Tim hem ook heel mooi vind!
Groetjes Patricia.

Sue said...

That is soooo cool, Sannie! I love that you used the dictionary page with the definition of t!m's name.

Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog.

Evelyn S. said...

This is a fabulous creation! I love all the dimension and Tim-stuff! ;-)

Shelly Hickox said...

This is gorgeous! I love the vintage paper you used. Fantastic card!

Teresa - My Crafty Heart said...

Hi Sandra,
Love your birthday card for Tim, you should send it to him, I think he would love it and woudl be able to see all the beautiful work you have put into it :) What a lovely book from your mum! I can imagine the thumbnails do take a while, but they were still a really a nice idea, it's a shame Blogger doesn't have a quick facility to help! Big Hugs, Teresa x

Candy C said...

Hi Sandra. Your Tim card is beautiful! I think he would LOVE it. You need to send it to him!!! He appreciates everyone efforts and your card really is beautiful! <3 Candy

Sandy said...

Hey Sandra - I don't know what the problem is but I am not getting any pictures of your work on your blog. I will unsubscribe and then subscribe again. It is only happening with your blog but I know I am missing your great work!!
Happy New Year

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

WOW!!! How original is this? Love his name meaning! You are too creative! I've always wondered about those thumbnails. Is it really hard? I wouldn't even know where to start. Awesome job!

Maria said...

Awesome card, Sannie!! How creative and special to use the page with his name -- it makes it so meaningful! You did a wonderful job and I wish we could somehow see Tim's face when he sees your card!! :)

Marjie Kemper said...

What a totally wonderful card! You were so clever to use that page... it goes perfectly with all your elements. He'll be very impressed, no doubt!

Hels Sheridan said...

FABBY card .. loving the whole steampunk feel to it... he is gonna love it!

Sarah said...

I love your card - that image is always fabulous - I love it too. Love the use of the dictionary and perfect words! Just perfect for Tim, and a great birthday creation...helemaal top! Thanks so much for sharing your work with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show! Sarah.

Crafty Lein* - enjoy creativity said...

Hey Sannie, Wat goed dat jij ook kaartjes voor Winter's Valentines Card Drive hebt gemaakt! Super lief zeg!! Dikke kus, Leintje*

Crafty Lein* - enjoy creativity said...

Ja ik heb dat gevraagd, maar je kan er gewoon iets in zetten van:
"Happy Valentine's Day!"of "love"
en dan je naam en waar je vandaan komt/ waar je woont.

Enveloppen hoeven er niet bij te zitten, zij doet ze in doorzichtige enveloppen en ze zei dat ze met uitdelen wel rekening houden dat de hello kitty kaarten aan meisjes worden gegeven.
Er mogen geen dingen aan zitten die ze eraf kunnen halen en in kunnen slikken. Dus geen knoopjes, lintjes e.d.

Dikke kus,