Friday, June 29, 2012

Simon Says Stamp & Show DT!!

Hi everyone,

Whoohooo, I have some AMAZING news to share with you today! I have been chosen for the Design Team of Simon Says Stamp and Show! Can you believe it? Well I almost couldn't! It's so exciting! Can't wait to get started!

Each week Simon Says Stamp and Show has great challenges in store for vintages lovers from all sorts. It's always great fun to join in. The talently DT members always succeeded to make inspirering art pieces, so I had to join in as much as I could. Now I'm one of them! This is an amazing opportunity for me and I know that I'm going to have lots of fun. Speaking about the DT,  here are all the team members in alphabetical order:

  • Anna-Karin Evaldsson
  • Ashli Oliver
  • Candy Colwell
  • Dan
  • May Flaum (team leader)
  • Sandra Mouwen
  • Sarah Engels-Greer
  • Suzanne Czosek
  • Terry
  • Tracy Evans

  • You can find the announcement about this exciting news here.
    Thank you for stopping by! Love to see you next time!


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    Anonymous said...

    YAY! Looking forward to working with you!!!!

    Pam said...

    Congrats! Started following your blog, too. Love what I've been looking at so far.

    Terry said...

    I am so, so, so excited for you! You will be a huge asset to the team, because you are so genuine and just awesome, not to mention extremely talented! Hugs!

    Sandy said...

    Congratulations Sandra- an honored very well deserved!! I am working from a make shift lap top right now and will see what happens. I had a horrid fall Monday night - broke my left hip ended up in surgery Tuesday night and came home from the hospital today. A good three months of healing to go. I will write again soon. keep making those fabulous cards and tags.

    Ellie Knol said...

    Gefeliciteerd! En veel plezier, misschien dat ik het in een volgende ronde ook ga proberen, het leek me dat er veel werk in zit, en ik ben bang dat ik daar nu niet genoeg tijd voor heb.Ik had je nog niet eerder 'ontdekt', maar ga zeker volger worden..

    Suzanne C said...

    Looking forward to being on the team with you! A big Congrats!

    Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

    I'm so happy for you!!!! That is fabulous!!!!

    Nancy Wethington said...


    Anna-Karin said...

    So happy to be on the DT with you! Your work is gorgeous and I can't wait to see all the things you will create for the challenge.

    Reflective Art Studio said...

    ConGradulations..... I am so so Happy for you and will look forward to seeing your creations.
    Warmly- Keep on Rockin' it.

    Annie said...

    Hi Sandra I am so thrilled for you. You so deserve this wonderful opportunity and I cannot wait to see your creations. Crafty hugs. Annie x

    Crafty Lein* - enjoy creativity said...

    HOORAY your in girl!!! I am so happy for you and you truly deserve to be in with this team!!! This is such a wonderful opportunity, enjoy this creative journey and go for it!! I am so proud of you, can't wait to see all the new creations...



    Cis-sy said...

    Hey meid, Gefeliciteerd!!!!

    Wat Super leuk voor je zeg!!!!
    En je gaat het heel leuk doen want je hebt genoeg leuke ideeen altijd ;)

    Groetjes xoxo Cis

    Patricia said...

    WAUW Sandra...... WAT GAAF gefeliciteerd meid.
    Je verdiend het je maakt zulke PRACHTIGE dingen.
    Ik kan niet wachten op al dat moois van jou!
    Groetjes Patricia

    Linda Coughlin, the funkie junkie said...

    Awesome news Sandra! CONGRATULATIONS, you will have a blast over there!

    Terry said...

    Hai Sandra, nou helemaal te gek hoor nog een Nederlandse bij het team Ik verheug me erop om samen te werken hoor meis, veel liefs Terry xxxx

    anna christensen crafts said...

    Hi Sandra, brilliant news, I am really happy for you, big huggy congratulations! xx

    Marjie Kemper said...

    Congratulations! What a fabulous honor!!

    Maria said...

    I am sooo proud of you!! You deserve it, girl!! I look forward to seeing more of your gorgeous creations as a SSS DT member ... :)