I had the sponges in a box and on top of each sponge I put the initials of the color, but I was still searching for the right color when I needed one. And that's when she came up with the idea to use the storage box for the sponges. Earlier I gave her another storage box for the drops of the distress re-inkers. She asked me if I were sure and couldn't use it myself. But I had 2 more left, so everybody was happy!
To finish the storage box of I made a color chart with the names of all the colors (including the colors I don't yet have). I used a piece of foam as a stamp, and stamped each color at the corresponding color. I stuck it on the bottom. I made another color chart and put it on the inside of the lid.

I hope you find it as useful as i do.
UPDATE (16-10-2011): A full storage box, now I have al the distress inkpads :D!

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