Thursday, September 15, 2011

Distress ink box

On the blog from France: I saw a very nice upstanding storage box with doors for distress inkpads. How cool?!
But then I saw the distress ink box (at the bottom of the page) and for me it was a bit more practical. Besides I don’t know where I can get the hinges and closure for the upstanding storing box with doors. I have searched the internet, but I can’t find anything. So last night I set to work to make my version of it.
Below is the result of my ink-storage case:
It's not quite ready. I also want to decorate the inside and stick lots of fun stuff on it. I've to make another one and if I'm buying all inkpads then two. On the blog where I got the idea from, you can also do workshops, but I think it is in the French part of Belgium. Unfortunately not an option for me. Because I can use some lessons:). Oh well,  practice makes perfect ;).

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france papillon said...

Dag Sandra! Wow, je box ziet er al fantastisch uit! Zoals je zegt, nog wat embellies en het is perfect :)))
En ja hoor, ik geef ook les in het Nederlandstalig deel van het land. Stuur me gerust een mailtje als je meer info wilt. ;)

lieve groetjes