Monday, March 19, 2012

Creative Chemistry - day 1

Hi everyone,

Today, the online course of Tim Holtz Creative Chemistry started and we didn't get atechnique, but we did get super clear explanation of ink, paint and mediums and the types of surfaces on which you use them. We have already learned a few fancy terms. Super fun. We also got some homework and like the good girl that I am, I did that ofcourse!

I think I've done well. If you see a product that I put in the wrong category please let me know!

First of all my inks and stuff. I don't have a lot.

Dye-based products

Pigment-based products

no Color

Water based products

Oil based products

Solvent based products

Learned a lot today! And now I can't wait to roll up my sleeves, get my hands dirty with a technique tomorrow!
Thank you for stopping by! Love to see you next time!

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Terry said...

Oh you are such a good girl and trying to be the teacher's pet?? Love this take on day 1!!! See you tomorrow for day 2!

Deb Neerman said...

WoW, you HAVE done your homework ... I'm embarrassed that I didn't "study!"

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

WOW...I'm jealous!!! You go girl!!! Have you linked all these!?!

Sandy said...

You go girl - I am impressed! I finally made it to the class and printed out the stuff - will go back again and again. Saw your cute face!! This is fun! I agree with Terry, are you trying to be the teacher's pet!?!@ No fair, you are already light years ahead of me with Mr. HOltz!!!!!!!

Marjie Kemper said...

You are seriously good! I'll be about a week off on keeping up, but glad to be in class regardless.

Crafty Lein* - enjoy creativity said...

Hey San,
Wat leuk zeg, al die foto's voor je huiswerk!! You rock girl!! Ik ben benieuwd wat er allemaal nog gaat volgen...


Maria said...

Wow, I haven't signed up for the class, but that is really cool Tim's showing you the differences between the products! Never thought about organizing them in such a way ... hope you're having a blast with it!!