Sunday, March 25, 2012

Creative Chemistry - day 5

Hi everyone,

Pffeww, luckily I made ​​it to catch up before Monday. So I'm up to speed for the next class. Today I've done day 5, and we have again super nice techniques learned and this time with stains. I only have a few stains, because I did not know what I had to do with them. I have seen videos. but I still didn't use them alot and now I love them.

The first technique today is stained kraft resist, and the kraft resist paper is one of the supplies that I bought for this course. So therefore I had to use it. Unfortunately I only have a few stains. I've got dark ones and very light ones. I used a dark one, in this case Faded Jeans. It's become a very dark tag,but I like it, because it's so different.

Then I was the stamping technique with stains turn. I think this is really a very difficult technique. The beautiful background with stains, and that special spray technique with the mister, and then stampingwith stains, phew. This was a tricky one. I had too many stains on the stamp, I think ... But quite a cool effect!

Finally the marbled stains technique. This I seriously redone 3 times. I was getting kind of mud twice. As I mentioned, I only have a few stains, apparently I picked the wrong combinations. Ultimately, I've made a mix ​​of stains and wrinkle free technique. And I think it's the best tag that I've made today.

Thank you for stopping by! Love to see you next time!


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Mary Jo said...

Your tags look very nice. Tim makes everything look so simple, but I have found it takes a little practice to make it that simple.

anna christensen crafts said...

Sannie, these are all really gorgeous, I love the butterfly one the best - beautiful work. Anna xx

Belinda Basson said...

I too am finally all caught up! I love your tag with the Eiffel Tower.

Crafty Lein* - enjoy creativity said...

Zo jij bent lekker druk in de weer, alweer een les van Tim Holtz verder!Echt prachtig gemaakt, ik vind ze allemaal weer heeeeel mooi!


Bonnie said...

Love all the tags! The bird one almost looks illuminated...well done!

Angelica said...

Your tags turned out great!!!

José said...

WAt een gave tags Sandra! Vooral die met de vlinders ziet er super uit!
Groetjes, Jose

Cornelie said...

Wauw, jij bent hier echt een kei in zeg!
Groetjes Cornelie

Gabriele said...

Your tags are just wonderful! I like all of them and found it interesting to read your explanations.

What I really like on your blog is, that you have a "picture-list" of articles you used. For somebody, who is not the biggest stamper, it is very useful to see how something can be used in a project.

Greetings from the neighbourhood = Germany,

Maria said...

Sannie, I think these look wonderful! You did a great job and I love how all of your tags are turning out!